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SEC Filings

UFP Industries, Inc., was founded in Michigan in 1955 as a supplier of lumber to the manufactured housing industry. Today UFP Industries is a multibillion-dollar holding company with subsidiaries around the globe that serve three markets: retail, industrial and construction. We have been publicly traded (Nasdaq: UFPI) since 1993 and are headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

SEC Filings

Filing date Description Form View

Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities

4 View HTML

Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities

4 View HTML

Quarterly report which provides a continuing view of a company's financial position

10-Q View HTML

Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event

8-K View HTML

Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event

8-K View HTML

Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities

4 View HTML

Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities

4 View HTML

Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities

4 View HTML

Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities

4 View HTML

Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities

4 View HTML

Data provided by Kaleidoscope.